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An Equitable and Inclusive Workplace for All

Over the past year, Circle of Care’s Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) committee has established and accomplished a variety of goals related to creating a more inclusive working environment. 

“As an organization we have a responsibility to ensure we are doing better month over month on the path towards social equality,” says Kai Svirida, Health, Safety, and Wellness Specialist, and co-chair of the committee. “Through this committee, our staff and leadership can work together towards building a truly inclusive work environment for all.”

Over the last year, the DEI Committee provided learning opportunities for staff. 

Fostering Queer & Trans-Inclusive Spaces

In fall 2021, The 519’s Education and Training team hosted a special workshop for our staff on the topic of Fostering Queer and Trans-Inclusive Spaces. Staff had the opportunity to ask questions to get a better understanding of this important topic. 

Circle of Care hosts first drag bingo

In collaboration with our Social Committee, we hosted a virtual Drag Queen Bingo event for Valentine’s Day. This event featured drag queen Devine Darlin, who hosted Bingo and had an open discussion with staff about performing as a drag queen in Toronto.

Online training modules for staff

In addition to creating awareness of key cultural and religious events, the DEI committee collaborated with our Learning and Development team to produce training modules addressing allyship, anti-racism, and other equitable resources. Through these training modules, staff have been able to deepened their understanding of a variety of sensitive and diverse topics related to DEI. 

This story is featured in Circle of Care’s Annual Report 2021-2022.